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Lifeimage Cloud Transfers

This week, Backus Hospital will be the the first center to use the
Lifeimage 'cloud' for transferring imaging studies to Yale as part of a
patient transfer. This will allow us access to the images without
recourse to a disc begin sent and uploaded.

Radiologists will not be involved in the image transfer process; this will
be co-ordinated via the hospital Y-Access team or the intake coordinators
for the relevant Smilow multidisciplinary clinics. Radiologists may be
asked to review the images sent and the instructions for doing this are
attached. These will also be placed on the intranet for future reference.
It is likely that additional neighboring hospitals will be adopting this
process in the very near future so it is vital that all radiologists are
comfortable with using Lifeimage.

If you feel you need additional training, please let me know.

Dr TR Goodman